The end of June is on the horizon! It is almost Field Day time.
My local club is composed of many like minded Field Day maniacs. We all live and breath field day for most of the year. Our K3's get up rooted from their normally comfortable shacks to serve as contact machines for the 24 hour period. Our fleet of Honda generators get fueled for the task. Everything Ham Radio gets removed from our storage locker and taken to the field.
Our usual configuration includes a Mosely TA33 at the top of a 40 foot Rohn tower that is painstakingly installed and lovingly tied down for the possible stormy weather we sometimes incur. This year we have decided to go with all wire for simplicity. We have a host of 1/2 wave dipoles at the ready. We will operate 3A from a local park with a GOTA station on site.We do our best to maximize the extra available points, including invitations to our elected official and served agencies. We even get the Boy Scouts to come out for a lesson in radio and a possibility of earning a new merit badge.
So come listen for K9OR (3A IL) and WM9Q (GOTA). We will be happy for the contacts. For my friends across the water (where ever you are), your contacts count as well so listen out for us.
73 for now,